There’s a better way to talk about money.
The equation is simple: more heart, less math
Whether you are looking for a group study, the flexibility of an online course, or the hands-on attention of a coach, we have resources to guide you in Christ-centered money conversations that are leading people to heart change and transformed lives.
Do you have this nagging feeling…
Do you have this nagging feeling that God created you to do more than simply pay your bills and grow your net worth? Yeah, we do too.
Through our online course, we invite you to discover God’s greater purpose for your life and your money. Trust us, it’s too good to miss!
Our philosophy
Our resources are created with one core belief: you can’t transform people with math. There are over 2,000 scriptures about money, but very few have to do with math. We could teach you how to budget and explain the benefits of a 401(k) and that would certainly make a difference, but they will not - even when done in a biblical context - eliminate the fear, loneliness, hunger for meaning, and the need for security that lies deep within us and ultimately determines our behavior with money. If we want to talk about money that leads to true life transformation, we must take lead from the Bible and begin with matters of the heart.
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Hi, I’m Courtney Markley
I help people avoid the spiritual pitfalls that often accompany wealth and success.
As a Certfified Christian Financial Counselor, most of my clients meet me at the intersection of faith and finance.
Money is a funny thing. We all need it, most of us have it, but no one likes to talk about it. Most people feel uncomfortable talking about money with their close friends, family, pastors, even their spouses.
After working as a financial counselor for many years, I have had thousands of conversations with people about their faith and finances. So, you can say I have a bit of a cheat-sheet to understanding how people think and behave with money.
People regularly express to me three desires:
1) To live a purposeful life
2) To cultivate deep, meaningful relationships
3) To find financial peace
Everything we create at Markley Coaching Group is designed to give you the desires of your heart. More purpose, more meaningful relationships, and more financial peace through Jesus Christ.